To get the best out of your candle please follow the information below


  • On the first burn let the wax melt to the edge, this will prevent tunneling and the candle will continue to burn evenly throughout the rest of its life
  • Always trim the wick in between burns, this helps to keep a nice small steady flame and also removes any carbon build
  • Keep the wax pool clear
  • Do not let your candle burn right to the bottom of the glass, this can cause it to get exreamly hot and may cause damage to surfaces.
  • Only burn for 4 hours maximum each time
  • Place the candle on a heat resistant surface
  • Do not burn your candle near anything flammable or near draughts and windows
  • Never move a burning candle, allow it to cool down fully first
  • Keep out of the reach of childern and pets
  • Never leave your candle unatended


    Last but not least enjoy! x